Don Jones
Posts: 67
Joined: Jun 2015
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Alternate Rule: Hit Point
For those who play Netherstorm, it is no secret that this can be a lethal game. One of the problems is that hit points don't advance unless you dump experience into Endurance. In other games, for example, as you go up a level, you get more hit points. Since we don't have levels, there is no automatic hit point advancement. This could keep your character fighting goblins for years.
As an alternate rule, we have been playtesting hit point advancement. The way we have been doing it is this. For every 10 points of experience points you earn, you get one additional hit point. so if I earn 23 experience, I gain two hit points.
Like I said, we are playtesting this right now, but it seems to hit a good balance between advancing the hit points without making the characters too powerful too fast.
Give it a try in your game and let us know how it goes.
06-09-2015 08:47 PM |