
Fae:   For thousands of years, faerie folk isolated themselves off from the other races of Thelal, content to inhabit the wild regions of the world. However, when they began having visions of the coming disaster of the Netherstorm, they knew they could no longer sit back idly.  The Fae are fairie folk that have been magically altered to better interact with the other races.  While some stay in the wild, many have moved into civilization in the city-states of Thelal.


Humans:  As the Sidhe moved out of the inhabited world to their isolated, magically sealed cities, Humans  became the dominate people.  However, after more than a millenia of arrogance, foolishness and warfare, Humans were annihilated almost to the point of extinction.  While Humans still exist, they have been reduced to a small number of nomadic tribes, often outcast and despised by the other peoples.  Some Humans try to achieve a measure of  respectablity, even joining the Kentrona military to gain status.  Still, Humans are generally dispised and looked down on, regarded only as performers, thieves and mercenaries.


Kentrona:   The Kentrona are a four-armed, warrior race that are forming the first actual empire in the history of Thelal.  Their combat skils are legendary and fear-instilling.  They should not be mistaken for mindless brutes, however.  They hold warrior society in high regard, but understand the cost of war.  They prefer to conquer and control city-states without a drop of blood ever being spilled.  Their abilities at leadership, politics and organization are well-known.  The Kentronan Empire is widely known as the bear that shouldn't be poked.


Muera:  The Muera are amazing builders and trades skill experts.  Whether it is their cities, built thousands of feet above sea level with multi-ton slabs of stone, or the tiniest piece of intricately-carved jewelry, Muera craftsman are widely sought after.  They are skilled farmers, having long ago built plateaus on mountain sides and made them into farms. Although they are generally peaceful, with a live-and-let-live mentality, the toughness and diligence of Muera can make them formidable opponents, both in and out of combat.


Peuroma:  Even when they dwelt in the swamps and marshes of Thelal, the Peuroma were fascinated by Human culture.  Being naturally inquisitive , they tried to emulate Humans as best as they could.  When Humans began dying out during the Goklug War, Peuromans teamed up with the Kentrona to defeat both the Humans and the Goklug.  Now they have spread to all the places formally owned by Humans.  Peuromans may acquiesce to Kentrona rule, but they are definitlely positioning themselves as a dominant force.


Sidhe:  First to form a civilization and become dominate, the Sidhe achieved levels of art, magic and engineering that are still unmatched.  However, when the "lesser peoples," mainly Humans, began to push against Sidhe society, they built magically sealed cities for themselves, "pocket worlds," where the Sidhe dwell.  Those who leave the Sidhe cities are called Lost Ones and can never return.  Striving for balance between the spirit and the body, the Sidhe are effective in most endeavors.


Wilderfolk:  When the gods walked the land of Thelal, some of the lesser deities wanted servants to help protect and control their regions.  Many of them modified local wildlife, to make them more humanoid.  Thus were born the Wilderfolk.  Any animal could be a Wilderfolk; bears, squirrels, wasps and even snails.  Since the gods no longer walk the world, some have abandoned the wild places and sought their own destinies in the cities.  Most, though, still prefer the wild.